Pitt Rivers Museum Luo Visual History


Hobley, C.W., 1903 'British East Africa: Anthropological Studies in Kavirondo and Nandi', Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland , Vol. 33, 325-359.

Evans-Pritchard, E. E., 1949, 'Luo Tribes and Clans'. Rhodes-Livingstone Journal . VII 24-40.

-1950a 'Marriage Customs of the Luo of Kenya' Africa. XX, (2), 132-42.

-1950b 'Ghostly Vengeance Among the Luo of Kenya' Man, Vol. 50 (Jul) 86-87

Ogot, B., 1967, The History of the Southern Luo (Nairobi: East African Publishing House)

Oteyo, G and C. Morton, 2008. 'Paro Manene: Exhibiting Photographic Histories in Western Kenya' Forthcoming in Journal of Museum Ethnography (Museum Ethnographers Group, U.K.)

Other relevant literature will be listed here in due course.