1998.349.33.1 (Film negative)
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
A homestead (dala) with huts and grain stores (dero pl. dere). There is a cattle kraal (kund dhok) in the middle of the homestead. The hut to the left is near the homestead entrance and may belong to a son while the two granaries are next to the hut on the right which is that of the father or household head. This hut is old and is probably being demolished by the man standing to complete the new one being built (with incomplete roof and rafters showing). The euphorbia fence of the homestead is clearly seen. [Gilbert Oteyo 9/9/2004]
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Negative film nitrate
Donated 1988
For citation use:
Pitt Rivers Museum Luo Visual History
6 Jun. 2008. Pitt Rivers Museum.
Accessed 19 Nov. 2015
© Pitt Rivers Museum