Pitt Rivers Museum Luo Visual History

photograph scan of PRM number 1998.349.60.1

1998.349.60.1 (Film negative)

Key Information


Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard


An upper body portrait of a man identified as Okoth, dressed in a tunic with a chain and medallion (possibly of George V who had died earlier in 1936) and a medal pinned to his chest (double-headed, possibly a church membership medal). His expensive silk gown (joho) was only worn by elder men of status and wealth and could be bought from the shops in Kisumu and it was certainly a coastal dress. The medals (midila) are another symbol of status, and the larger one may be a WWI veteran medal, although [Gilbert Oteyo 9/9/2004]

Cultural Group




Named Person


Pitt Rivers Source

Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard

Date of Photograph


Accession number


Further Information

Photographic Process

Negative film nitrate

Date Acquired

Donated 1988

For citation use:
Pitt Rivers Museum Luo Visual History "1998.349.60.1" 6 Jun. 2008. Pitt Rivers Museum. Accessed 19 Nov. 2015 <http://photos.prm.ox.ac.uk/luo/photo/1998.349.60.1/>.

© Pitt Rivers Museum